Well... I've been up for about an hour...
Can you believe I slept till 4pm today?!?! I can't.
Well... I actually got up at 8am for morning prayers... and went back to sleep at 8:30am.
Last night, I went to a number of places. *grin* I went to Pegasus with Danette to meet up with Courtney and his bro Richard. We left work at about 6pm and went back at around 8pm for Karaoke.
Karaoke was hilarious jedd... LOL Anyhoo... after that we went to Jamrock to drink... heh heh heh. This time Kathryn came with us. We left Jamrock at about 12:15 and went back to Hilton (because we had parked there) and didn't end up leaving the carpark till 12:45.
We went to crash Scotiabank's Staff Party aftwerwards. Heh. The guys couldn't get in... but Kat and I did. *grin* We got everyone drinks and then left for Village. This time with an additional person in tow - Steven.
Village was quite good actually. We found space to dance! *gasp*
Danette? It's all about a menage trois tonight or what?
Ciao people!
Celebrity Life... in Miami baby! (College Style)
Saturday, January 31, 2004
Friday, January 30, 2004
Good Morning All...
It's Friday but Im not that happy.
Because one of my friends at work is resigning. :o( I'll miss her so much... she's my mentor at work... as well as a very good friend. Anyway, Im supposedly having lunch with her today. And we're having a send off party for her.
Oh... today is my last day in Ronaine's office... so no more MSN for me for a LONG while. :o( It was nice having you for 2 whole weeks MSN! I'll miss you... *sniff sniff*
Well... today I also have to accomplish the usual Friday activities like going to the bank... gotta get paid ya know. :o)
*yawn* I am so tired... bleh... dunno why.
Anyway, that's all for now folks!
Thursday, January 29, 2004
Today has been an ok day... so far...
I woke up sneezing my head off. Yes, I had a nasty attack of my sinuses. Mom gave me DPH.
I don't know why in God's name she did that because I was SO drowsy when I got to work. I ended up going to the Nurse's office and sleeping from 9 am till 11 am.
I really needed that rest.
Anyway, I've been up and down, doing things for the hypocrite. *roll eyes*
Oh yeah... how could I forget! Today is Jason's 22nd birthday! *grin* Happy Birthday Sweets! Hope you have a blessed day! :o)
Well... Im off to do my work...
Cheerio luveys!
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
I just had a chocolate... yummy yummy yum! *grin*
Jonelle is now telling me she found her stage name... *roll eyes* and it's going to be Nostalgic. *sigh* Where do I get these friends? LOL
Anyway, people at work are such hypocrites... DAMN... *shudders* I really can't take much more of this.
Ok... gotta run, Mom's here...
25 minutes till that long ass, boring meeting...
Somebody RESCUE ME!!!! Ick!
Anyway, yesterday after work, I went by Michela for yummy cake and ice-cream. *grin* It was delish! It was a nice lil lime... I made strawberry daiquiris *grin* and of course, Auntie Mich loved them. Heh heh heh
It's been a WHILE since I've made drinks for anyone. Auntie Mich calls me the Mixologist. LOL
Hmmm... maybe I should get my degree in Mixology... what y'all think? LOL
Oooh oooh... Mr. Dear called me yesterday *grin*. Poor thing is freezing his arse in Canada. (Time to come home Jay!!!)
Anyway, that's about it for now...
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Tee hee... today's been a cool and calm day... hope it remains this way.
So I just spoke to Ms. Adrienne Genus (*gasp*)... it's been a LONG ASS while. The last time we spoke was on Christmas Eve. She's doing well and Im happy for her. I miss her lots. She was my true 'sparring' padnah. September Dreenie!
Anyway, before I continue, I need to wish some people happy birthday...
1. Happy Birthday Racie Ray! I love you lots chica! Have a great day!
2. Happy Birthday Chela pop... :o) We'll link!
3. Happy Birthday Grandma... I love you and miss you SO much... :o(
Anyway, gotta jet... just came back from a boring ass meeting and Im hungry...
Monday, January 26, 2004
Well... I am still at work. Just finishing up the minutes from last week's meeting. Then I have to do a picture board for the Hilton Elevator Presentation Programme on Thursday. Then Im going walking at Emancipation Park.
Im active again guys! LOL
Anyway, I forgot to mention that Uncle Ray is THE man! He's now Air J'ca's UNofficial President. LOL He got into Air J'ca's VIP tent without an armband AND brought Kat and I food and drinks on numerous occassions! *applause* We need to have a moment for Uncle Ray.
*pause for moment*
*still pausing*
*shhh! Im still pausing!* LOL
Aight... Im dun now...
Ciao people!
I just realized I haven't posted in here since Friday morning! DAMN! I have lots to type... where do I begin?
Okay... let's start with Friday...
Well, I had quite a hectic day. I had to go to TWO banks to do some business... I had to deal with a very miserable, pushy AND irrate guest from the United Kingdom... (that was PRESSURE) and I had to stay late to work AND do some last minute studying for SAT's...
However, I found time to go to Jamrock for a "Friday drink" with Dannette, Suzanne, Tamara, Courtney, Richard, Andrew and Reynardo. I only had one drink because I had to rush back for work. I won't share what happened AFTER I left though with a certain vertically challenged lady. *wink* LOL Right Dannette?
Anyway, to sum it up... Stephen (Kat's bro) came to Hilton at around 9pm to help me study Maths... we left here a little after 10. I fell asleep on the ground while packing...
Oh yeah, I have to say why I was packing ent? Well... Lisa's dad got 3 free tickets to the 3rd night of Air Jamaica's Jazz and Blues Festival at Cinnamon Hill Golf Club in Montego Bay. *grin*
Onto Saturday...
I woke up at 6:45am to get ready to go down to Priory to sit my SAT's...
Stephen, Jonelle (my twin from work) and I all sat next to each other. :o)
The exam was okay... my results come out online next week Friday, February 6.
So, after the exam, Stephen dropped me off to finish packing then he picked me back up and we went down to his and Kat's Grandmother's to wait on Kat and Lisa. Then we all met, got into Stephen's car and picked up Jonelle.
Our road trip began! And lemme tell ya... Stephen drives like his sister... *shivers*
Oh... the funniest thing happened on the way down...
We were driving behind this tour bus filled with tourists at one point in the journey. We were listening to Linkin Park (yeah baby!) and I was really getting into it... and I had spotted the tour bus. Normally I wave when anytime I drive past a tour bus and the people wave back. LOL This time I decided to show them the universal rock sign.
BIG mistake.
The two girls sitting in the back beckoned to us and Stephen drove up to be closer to the bus... and they FLASHED us! LOL
Then to make things worse... after that... they beckoned to us again! (Stephen didn't drive so close this time) This big fat old man got up out of his seat and MOONED us!
Americans papa... waaaaayss...
Entertainment for years... LOL
Anyway, we got down to Montego Bay at around 6pm (after leaving Kingston at 3pm). We were supposed to meet Kat and Stephen's parents at the hotel but they had left for the concert already... so we had no place to change. Guess what we did? Stopped at McDonald's and used the bathroom to freshen up and pee. LOL
After that... we were on our way...
Let me tell you... the place was properly layed out and everything looked good. Props to the organizers and the people at Cinnamon Hill.
As for the performances... Greggory Isaacs, Cassandra Wilson, Micheal McDonald, George Nooks... ALL brilliant and effervescent... wow...
As for Miss Alicia Keys... one word... EXCELLENT. She really deserved those 5 grammys and every other award she's ever won. *sigh* I'm in love...
Bounti Killa even did a lil thing with her...
We got back to the hotel after 3am.
Onto Sunday...
We woke up at around 9 or so and just limed around and started packing...
Uncle Ray and Auntie Liz (Kat and Stephen's parents) got us breakfast. (They're so sweet *smile*)
After breakfast we went to Doctor's Cave Beach (a very gorgeous beach) and chilled there for about an hour. I met an old white man from Arizona named Vern. We chatted for about 20 minutes or so... He was cool. LOL
Anyway, we left the beach, went back to the hotel, packed up and went to The Pelican for lunch.
Then we drove back to Kingston.
My weekend was great. :o)
*phew* (that was a hell of a lot of typing... we'll chat MUCH later today)
Friday, January 23, 2004
It's Friday people! It's PAY DAY! (cha-ching! lol) It's also the day BEFORE my SAT's. *bites fingernails*
Good news though... I am FINALLY getting this Math thing even though Im still getting some wrong... at least Im understanding how to work it out now. *grin*
(Hey Trace, maybe your smartness is finally rubbing off on me! lol)
Anyway, I've got tons of work to do today...
Remember guys... pray for me and keep me in your thoughts tomorrow morning from 8am - 11am (JAMAICAN time). *grin*
(Shoutout to Syndy and Barry... I've got mad love for you two... y'all are in my thoughts... hope everything's going A-ok...)
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Today is not a good day. I only hope it gets better.
I fell asleep when I got home from work yesterday and did not wake up until this morning.
Why does that matter?
Because I lost a good few hours of study time.
Anyway, back to work.
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
It's Wednesday. *bleh*
I'm at work. *bleh*
I have to go to the boring ass HOD Meeting. *double bleh*
There are only TWO more days till my SAT's and I am so not ready.
Jonelle and I did two tests yesterday. My results were (i)1020 and (ii)1050. Those are the scores I keep getting. *sigh* If only I could move up to at least 1200, then I'd feel a little better about Saturday.
Well... I have this evening and 2 more days ahead of me.
Wish me well guys. I need at least 1300 to get a little money.
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
So... David Heron (a Jamaican playwright) had his press launch @ the Jonkanoo Lounge at the Hilton last night. The name of his play is "It Happened Before Midnight" and it apparently was a popular play in Canada. Anyway, I had to leave before it finished. It actually got started at 7:15pm instead of 6:30pm. It went well I suppose.
Oh yeah, I am at home today. Jonelle is coming by to study with me because we have SAT on Saturday. We're going to do practice tests.
I am exhausted though and I cannot imagine why. I went to bed at a pretty decent hour.
Anyway, that's about it for now.
Monday, January 19, 2004
It's Monday and I am exhausted...
I didn't go to bed until after midnight because I was "ole" talking with my mummy and my sister. We were talking about Mary doing SAT and applying to schools. Guess where the bum wants to apply to???
THE SAME SCHOOLS IM APPLYING TO!!!! *grrr!* Won't she leave me alone? *rolls eyes* LOL
Anyway, I did a SAT test last night... under the influence of alcohol and under some SERIOUS niggaritis or ethnic fatigue. My total score was worse than the last time. I got 1050 on the first test and on this one I got 1020. *bleh* One good thing was that I did WAY better on the Maths this time around.
Hmm... maybe I need to drink some wine before the Maths sections ent?
Anyway, today is day ONE of my exercise programme. Kat, Lisa and I will be going to walk/jog around Emancipation park 3 evenings a week. Hopefully I'll lose all this gross fat and tone up.
Wish me luck!
Sunday, January 18, 2004
It's the end of the weekend already. WHY LORD? WHY?
Anyway, I got home from mass not too long ago...
It was pretty long today because the Archbishop was there. He gave a long-ish homily this morning. *yawn* LOL Just kidding! It was long, but I stayed awake this time.
I actually did not go ANYWHERE yesterday except for the supermarket with mom. I stayed home and watched television and made some attempt at studying.
Right now, I SHOULD be on my way to Ocho Rios to attend Marcha's and Bryce's wedding, but, I have NO ride. Sigh. She's gonna kill me.
Oh well, I'll have to make it up to them. I'll give em a nice gift or something.
Anyway, I'm off. Going to the movies with my bestest friend today. *grin* Did I mention how wonderful she is? If I didnt... NOW you know. I love Ren-ren! *grin*
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Good morning... sorry... good afternoon. I am just getting out of bed.
Man... my stomach was KILLING me this morning. I think it's from lunch at work. *bleh*
Anyway, I went to Weekenz last night for ORIENTATION; a school uniform party. It was cool. I went with Kathryn, Alicia, Stephen and Lisa Elliot. We were all in uniforms except for Alicia and Stephen. (BOOOORRRRINGGG... lol)
Anyway, Ward 21 and Vybz Kartel were there and of course, they were asked to perform so they did. Vybz was good. After they performed, Macedon from RE TV went to try his thing on the mike.
NOT a good idea.
He was booed and bottles were thrown at him. Of course, Kat and the rest of us were on the stage and had to duck so that no bottle would hit us.
Oh! Speaking of Kat... *grin*... I made her get interviewed last night by a tv station. (me thinks it was TVJ) The guy approached her and asked her and she was like no but I pushed her and said it was her turn now. Heh heh heh. (Kat, no matter what you say... YOU'RE the REAL celeb. *wink*)
That's about it for now!
Oh yeah, Im kinda pissed because I missed my hairdresser's appointment. *bleh* Imma have to go during the week. My hair smells horrible. (lol)
Friday, January 16, 2004
So... it's Friday and Im in an okayish kinda mood. Actually, I'm kinda tired. I feel it in my eyes.
I didn't go to sleep until about 2:30 this morning. I actually ended up getting up at 10pm instead of 2am to sort out some things that needed sorting out. I finished that at about 1:15/1:30 and was going to go back to sleep but the better half of my conscience got to me so I studied a little. Good thing I did. *grin*
SAT is in SEVEN DAYS! Im not nervous though. I actually cannot wait to get it over and done with. I think starting from tomorrow I'm going to do a practice test everyday.
Well, today is PAY DAY! (Finally!) Haven't been paid since I got back from Trinidad. Whoo hoo! UNFORTUNATELY, I have to pay the internet bill. Dad better pay me back. Hmmph.
That's about it for now.
Talk to y'all later!
Thursday, January 15, 2004
Today was an up and down day.
1. Lunch with Erin and Kat
2. Chilling with Janice in Accounts
3. Talking to Renz (who's back! yippai!)
1. Getting pissed off because of certain persons at work
2. Getting even MORE pissed off with those same persons
3. Feeling lonely (dont ask why)
Anyhoo... hopefully Alicia will come out with Kat and I tomorrow night. That should be fun. It'll be like old times. Oldies are always goodies.
Triniscene has a new(er) look y'all! I am loving it!
So... Im a little addicted. Sue me. LOL
Anyway... tonight is going to be an early night for me. I need sleep in the worst way.
I'll get up at like 2:30 or sumn to do another SAT test.
I also still need to finish that essay for St. Thomas Uni's application. Im having some SERIOUS writer's block though.
Well... that's about it for now... Ciao!
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
La la la la la *grin*
Renzipoo is coming back tomorrow. *grin* She have tings fuh meeeeeeeeeee! Heh heh heh. LOL
And she's my date on Sunday. For Marcha's wedding.
OH SHIT! *slaps forehead* I have to call Michela and cancel our little outing. Dammit!
Anyway... we needs a ride to this wedding. It's in Ocho Rios. At Villa Viente or something like that.
Hmmm... need to find something to wear.
That's all folks!
La'er! (havent said that in a while...)
It's Wednesday... the middle of the week... and there are NINE more days till my SAT exam.
Am I ready?
Hell yeah! (even though I SO suck at Maths... Im going to beat this *bleep* - LOL)
So my parents want to go to the Jazz Festival. *yippai!* Dad's looking for a place to stay... so of course, I will be going with them and the best part... it'll be a BRAT free night! Whoo hoo! I am also sourcing places to say via... my source. *wink*
Im upset though. Why? Because they put India.Arie and Alicia Keys on SEPARATE nights. Steups. India's on Thursday and Alicia's on Saturday night. The ONLY way I could get to see India is if I fly down to MoBay after work and fly back early Friday morning. Hmmm... I think I need to be calling Air Jamaica Express. Gotta check if my parents agree though.
Oh! Great news. My Dad's FINAL radiation treatment was on Monday morning.
He has to do some tests to find out if the radiation was any good (which Im sure it was) and then I'll let y'all know the status.
Anyway, lemme get back to work...
Ciao people!
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
Come for a holiday...
singing in Hindi
Island... my sugar island... sweet, sunny island
My homeland is sweet fuh so
Island... my sugar island... my precious island
I will never let it go, no...
Sugar Island - Carl Jacobs and Roger George
Such a wonderful song... one of the many soca tunes for 2004. It's beautifully written.
I find that TIDCO could use this as part of their marketing for Trinidad's tourism industry.
Anyway... had a very bleh day today... was on borrowed energy like I said.
Went by Lesley after work for a few minutes. She SPOILT me. *grin* I had a good time. I think I'll be crashing by you a LOT more often. Plus, your dad said I could. *wink* LOL
That's about it for now...
So I just completed applying to the following schools online:
St. Thomas University
Johnson & Wales
Florida International University
I still need to pay the application fees for the last 2 (J&W's free) and I also need to mail in documents and get my school to send transcripts.
People... it looks like things are FINALLY happening.
I'd really like to thank Traci for being such a doll and giving me pointers on how to fix my essay. Know that I am truly appreciative. *smile*
I also managed to do some SAT questions online WHILE applying. I am such a great multi-tasker! *grin* (Comes from months of being on Triniscene and typing a letter on Word @ work LOL )
Gotta jet now... my bed calls...
Monday, January 12, 2004
So www.watever.com is back up and looking off tha hook!
Check it out for yourselves if you have the time...
Ian, Andrew and David... PROPS to you all... the site is looking great.
ANYWAY... got pics for you all today! (Yippai! as Cookie would say... lol)
These are all from one of the Club Appleton parties: Coyote Beautiful
1. Renz and Cary
2. Cary (I must have been doing "head gone" or "head nuh good" lol)
3. Kat (Sigh... another pose for yet another picture... the life of a celebrity)
That's it for now!
More pics soon...
It's Monday.
I have LOTS to accomplish by February the LATEST.
1. Sit my SAT's
2. Apply to the universities of my choice
3. SAVE SAVE SAVE (that's PAST february of course)
4. Apply for financial aid
5. Send out letters to various businesses
6. Get letters of reference
Anyway... just thought I'd let you know what's happening...
Wish me luck!
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Good Evening People... it's 5:30 pm and I am dressed for church.
Sigh. Don't really want to go but oh well...
Anyway, went to watever.com's relaunch party last night. My first party for 2004.
It was cool. I saw Keri Marshall (haven't seen her in YEARS), Danette, Chela, Chris Lawe, Lorie, Davinia, Allison, Toni, Krista, Georgette, Kemar, Avalon and lots more people.
Went with Kat (of course), Stephen (Kat's bro), Lisa and Lesley.
Anyway, that's about it for now.
Saturday, January 10, 2004
One more... :D

You Should Get a Butterfly Tattoo!
Cute, pretty, and somewhat tame
You're more into looking hot than bleeding
Start small! Before long, you'll be colorful in the right places.
What Tattoo Should You Get?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Another one... *grin*

Your Stripper Name is Brandy!
You're the type of girl who got started dancing in clubs...
And realized that you were so hot that you should turn pro.
You're more of a go-go dancer than a stripper - getting down on stage, but not on laps.
Dancing and music are what you're all about, though the cash tips are always a plus!
You tend to stick to topless clubs, but if the pay is right, you'll take it all off.
While you'll never turn porn star, you enjoy being the hottest cage dancer in town.
What's *Your* Stripper Name?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Take a look at this quix jedd... got this from Kisa's blog. *tee hee*

You Would Make $500 a Night!
You won't have to resort to the streets to earn your cash...
But you will spend most of your time at a brothel on the wrong side of town!
How Much Could You Make as a Prostitute?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Good Morning Everyone!
Firstly, I have to share this with you guys. I did a sort of palm reading test on Emode last night at work. It was pretty cool.
Here are the results:
"Carole-Anne, the shape of your hand reveals that you are especially good at Letting your love flow."
"Did you know The Life Line reveals your approach to life and how you handle uncertainty or hardship? Generally, the information that can be gleaned from your Life Line pertains to your overall outlook and the ease with which you will travel through your life."
Anyway, to get the REST of my results or the more detailed version, I'll have to PURCHASE it. *rolls eyes* LOL
Anyhoo... I had a series of nice dreams last night. I'll share ONE. heh heh heh
I dreamt that Kathryn, Lesley and I got COMPLIMENTARY VIP BACKSTAGE passes to go to the Air Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival. (Cool huh?) And that these passes had our names written on them in gold ink... and we got to wine AND dine with Alicia Keys.
That was an everbess dream. *grin*
The others were about Miami and then Trinidad Carnival. (Those are reoccuring dreams)
Anyway, when I come offline I'm off to study!
Ciao people!
Friday, January 09, 2004
So I am home now.
And finally calm.
I spoke to Renz online! *grin* YAY!! She's all safe and sound. (Renz... you BETTER frigging call me eh... hmmph! lol)
Anyway, my sisters MALE friends are here so I hadda play security guard now.
So I was having a perfectly good day today.
1. My GPA (when it's fixed) will be 3.16 instead of 2.83.
2. Im going to see Alicia Keys perform in 2 weeks.
3. Im participating in the planning of a T&T Food and Arts Festival and Im going to try and get Machel and Xtatik to come down.
4. I got a free drink tonight (courtesy Ian from watever.com)
Anyway... the plan for tonight WAS (and I do stress on the WAS) to go out with Kathryn and Lisa and whomever else to see the latest RE Unplugged featuring Morgan's Heritage and some other people. Showtime is at 9pm.
I get a call from my mother at 6:30pm and she asks me if Im not coming home and Im like Im coming home to get things to go by Kat. Then she says that she and dad are going to see LOTR and that I need to come home and babysit. Steups. So I got pissed.
Then Dad calls me and says I need to be home by 7:30 because they need to leave and Mary isn't home from waterpolo yet. Then he goes on to tell me that I need to ASK them if they're going out every weekend. What the hell???!?!?!
I better fucking get into a school OUTSIDE of this frigging country cause it's gonna be war.
What the fuck? Do I look like Im still 16 years old? Im almost frigging 22!
Fuck man.
So Jason and Lisa E. came by last night.
It was great seeing Jason again. Im sorry we didn't get to spend enough time together though.
Anyway, have a safe flight Jay!
And Renz, you should be close to Miami by now. You lucky dog. lol You better call who I told you to. *wink*
That's it for now!
Thursday, January 08, 2004
So... I picked up my applications for UWI today. Let's hope everything works out...
I'll be missing the deadline for the OAS Scholarship all because I didn't get a medical and my dumb school playing the ass with my transcripts.
Oh well...
I didn't wanna come back to Jamaica after my 2 years of studying in the States.
If I do end up attending UWI Mona however, Im flying out ASAP!
Traci found this picture of me from October 2002 on Triniscene.
Those were the days boy...
Nadine (Likka Stik), Me and Maryann (Supermev) @ Poison's Band Launching @ Pier 1
Another one:
![]() | Merry Brandybuck If I were a character in The Return of the King, I would be Merry, a Hobbit and heir of the Brandybucks and a friend of Frodo's. In the movie, I am played by Dominic Monaghan. Who would you be? |
Weird... LOL
Did a quiz on quizilla.com.
Here are the results:
You're like a Mermaid!
?? Which Mythical Creature Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Oh... here's my song for the day:
"Fallen" - Sarah McLachlan
Heaven bent to take my hand
And lead me through the fire
Be the long awaited answer
To a long and painful fight
Truth be told I've tried my best
But somewhere along the way
I got caught up in all there was to offer
And the cost was so much more than I could bear
Though I've tried, I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...
We all begin with good intent
Love was raw and young
We believed that we could change ourselves
THe past could be undone
But we carry on our backs the burden
Time always reveals
The lonely light of morning
The wound that would not heal
It's the bitter taste of losing everything
That I have held so dear.
I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...
Heaven bent to take my hand
Nowhere left to turn
I'm lost to those I thought were friends
To everyone I know
Oh they turned their heads embarassed
Pretend that they don't see
But it's one missed step
You'll slip before you know it
And there doesn't seem a way to be redeemed
Though I've tried, I've fallen...
I have sunk so low
I have messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here
And tell me I told you so...
I was ready.
I just didn't know the full hundred.
Looks like Im going to have to find a new job.
"She doesn't do any work. If I evaluated her those responses would have been different."
Back to the drawing board. Right now I am contemplating returning to Trinidad until I leave for school.
Anyway, I have a million and one things to do today. Let's hope I achieve them.
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
So the Director of Human Resources wants to speak to me.
Kathryn gave me a lovely pep talk.
So Im ready.
Or am I?
*runs away*
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
2004 is not going so well. It started off lovely... and it was cool... until I landed in this stupid ass country.
So I had my evaluation yesterday... it went pretty well until I found out that I am being "watched". That I have to be on my "p's and q's". That a certain individual thinks I should have left when my contract was officially up. (December 31, 2003) Basically, if the GM wasn't rooting for me I'd be gone if it was left up to this certain individual. Guess I should feel good cause the GM wants me around right?
WRONG! I don't want the easy way in or out... I just want to be respected and I... sigh.
Take me away please...
Trinidad... Miami... even Toronto... just get me away from this stupid place...
Monday, January 05, 2004
People... wish me luck today.
Remember that little group? Solid Agency? Well... they owe the Hilton PLENTY money since Hot Shots last year December.
If my boss finds out... *ahem* let's just say I'll need to be looking for a new place to work.
Anyway, my cousin Chenelle is here! I have not seen her in YEARS. She's spending the night by us tonight. *yay!*
That's about it for now.
Oh wait! Stephen Morrison is in surgery as we speak. Please remember him in your prayers.
Back to work!
Sunday, January 04, 2004
Well... I am back in Jamaica... unfortunately.
I would have loved to have returned on the 10th January as I had planned. I would have gotten to spend more time with the family and meet up with more people.
I had a good enough time. In some aspects it was better than expected and in others... it sucked big time. I also discovered who my TRUE friends were. Anyway... won't get into those details.
Oh... HAPPY NEW YEAR! I rang the new year in at Tsunami with Llea, Saadiqa, Jay and Traci. It was great. Finally met Martin (Calvin from TS) and saw my friend Ryan from school. Unfortunately, it rained so my hairstyle got wet. *pout*
Anyway, Im glad to be back home in a sense. I missed Renz and Kat and all my other friends and *gasp* I actually missed work. LOL
Well... I've made a vow that 2004 will be VERY beneficial to me. I plan to SAVE and cut down on the partying just so I can have enough money for school. Y'all need to keep your fingers crossed for me so that some way, some how, I will be able to afford to go to school in the States.
Oh before I go, just wanted to let all those I was supposed to call and link up with to PLEASE forgive me. It was 8 adults and myself staying at my Granddad's house... so I virtually had no phone time. I will definitely be renting a cell phone AND a car for my next trip to Trinidad.
Anyway, for those I linked up with... Leigh, Ayanna, Syndy... thanks for everything. :o) Racine, Cookie and Sam it was good talking to you guys...
Anyway, that's about it for now.
Oh yeah... my SAT exam is on January 24. Remember me then aight?