I have lots to write still...
When I have some time today I will...
Celebrity Life... in Miami baby! (College Style)
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Man... I haven't written properly in here for a while thanks to HILTON KINGSTON. Steups.
Anyway, I've got lots to write... so when I get the time to I will...
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Exciting news people!
Firstly, Danette is BACK in the hizzay! *grin* I saw her and Paula last night. (They picked me up from work) I'm really REALLY glad she's home... even if it's for a short while.
Secondly, KANYE WEST and LUDACRIS are the international acts for Reggae Sumfest this year! *grin* So you know who HAS to be there... that means I've gotta save, save, save! Click here for more details.
Anyway, back to work!
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Pressha! Pressha! Pressha!
Work is killing us!
Alicia and I will need a vacation after this whole K.I.D.S. affair. Of course, Kat will come with us (and maybe Doug since he's part of our clique now LOL).
Gone back to work!
Monday, June 21, 2004
So yesterday was a good day for me... *grin*
First of all, Jason and I went to Lime Cay and had a great day. We got out there at around 10:30 or so and it was nice and empty. We'll be going from that time from now on. Kat and her family came over a bit later. I saw quite a few people so it was a nice lime. We left at around 3pm to get back to Kingston in time to see the match.
Speaking of the match... we played EXCELLENTLY yesterday! *grin* (BTW, Jamaica beat Haiti 3-0 so we've moved on to the semis) I so wish I had asked my boss for a ticket. Ah well...
Anyway, work calls...
Sunday, June 20, 2004
I have done many things and gone many places since the last time I posted. Some won't be noted as accomplishments though...
Well... Friday evening, Alicia, Kat and myself decided to go and have an "afterwork" cocktail (beer/wine for me) at Christopher's to bring some relief to our somewhat stressful day at the Hilton. After a disappointing experience at Christopher's (they served Kat and Alicia's blowjobs HOT. WTF?!) we walked back to work and Alicia then left us to go by her darling Ade.
When we got back to work, Mr. Harrisingh (Dougi) invited us to go to Bullseye with him for drinks. Of course, Kat and I accepted this invite and accompanied him. We had loads of fun and Kat and I did not pay a cent for anything. *grin* (Girl power ROCKS! LOL)
Anyway, Dougi dropped me home at around 8:45pm and I went straight to the bathroom. (Hey... I had consumed 1 glass of wine and 2 red stripe lights... you get the picture) Anyway, after making and receiving a few calls to figure out what to do with the rest of my Friday night... I decided to go to the bottle party that Kathryn invited me to.
Kat picked me up at around 11 and then we met up with Phillip Green and Chris Lawe at the Manor Park gas station and then we drove up to Stony Hill Hotel. The party (FUBAR) was not really a party... it was more of a "get together and talk while music plays in the background and buss a dance when a big tune play" kind of lime. Anyway, the highlight of the party... Sean - from Quad - giving Kat and I complimentary bands to get into Quad. (Girl power AGAIN *grin*) So of course, we decided we'd leave the lame lime and drive down to the "Hip Strip". We left Stony Hill at 2am.
When we got to Quad and went to "Oxygen"... man... was it JAMMED. (*ick*) We found Tracey, Lesley and Martin and limed (sorry... squished) with them for a while and then Kat and I went to the middle dancefloor. Kat had a BALL while I was just kinda mellow and woozy... (due to the crowd and the 1 and 1/2 red stripe I had earlier) Anyway, we left Quad at around 3:45 or so and I got home at around 4.
This morning (sorry... yesterday) I got up at around 10:30 and got ready for my hairdresser appointment. Renz picked me up and we both went to Pegasus to get our hair did. Guys... I FINALLY relaxed my hair!! Y'all should be proud... I hadn't done it since February or so. Anyway, Renz came back for me and then took me to get some lunch at Burger King. I got home around 4:30 or later.
Mary and I went to Saturday evening mass at Aquinas because we're going to the beach in the morning.
Hmm... let me sum up the rest of my night. I went to the pharmacy with Renz and saw my babygirl Vanessa and her cousin Taylor. (Haven't seen them in a while)
Then I went to see KILL BILL VOL.2 at Island Cinema with Kathryn. By the way, it's good... not better than VOL. 1 but good enough.
That's about it for now...
Now I have to wait up on my little sister who is now boogy-ing down the place at Quad. BTW, my parents DO NOT KNOW. So shhhhh... *wink*
Friday, June 18, 2004
It's Friday...
Why do I feel so shitty? Maybe it's because I want to shit. LOL
But seriously... this computer is giving problems and my stomach is hurting me... *pout*
Anyway, I got PAID! *grin* But some of it gone to the gym... YES PEOPLE... I have FINALLY signed up for the gym. Again. LOL. Wish me luck!
Anyway, I don't know what I'm doing later as yet... hopefully, it'll be a lime but I wouldn't mind staying in and watching dvd's. We'll see...
That's all for now!
Thursday, June 17, 2004
So today was an up and down day. It started off really nicely...
I got a surprise from my girl in the UK... Genesis. She called me and we spoke for a little while. I felt SO special. *tee hee* Do that more often Gen! You really made my day much brighter. *grin*
Next good thing today: David Mais. (for those who wanna 'faas' he's an old man lol... in fact, he's Kimberly Mais daddy) Anyway, he bought Japanese food (sushi and ting) for himself, Alicia and me. Then, he bought us ice-cream from Helados. He's such a darling.
At a little after 5pm, Mr. Rosheuvel came and sat down with Kat and I and chatted with us for a bit. (Alicia had gone already). I love when we have these chats with the GM... I think we're one of his favourites now. It was a cool chat. Learned something new today. *smile*
Anyway, the day got bad after that. My boss... steups... she's the best yes. I cannot wait to leave Hilton just because of her and her annoying-ness. Then mother proceeds to tell me that my dad is NOT following up on all the things he said he would in terms of me going to Miami. He talking about some catholic college in MANDEVILLE. Steups. Really now, I'm gonna fucking leave Kingston for MANDEVILLE?!?!? Yeah right. I was so pissed. Anyhow I don't leave this country... I will go MAD. After all this drama and money... and then to end up staying here... NAH... Im not going down without a fight.
Wish me luck people...
Britney said it right in Everytime... "everytime I try to fly I fall, without my wings I seem so small..."
That's all for now peeps...
Last night was cool. Alicia, Kathryn and I went to the Jamaica Pegasus for the Johnson & Wales University Recruitment session.
Why did we go?
Because one of the reps and organizers of the event, Rosemarie Yee (Auntie Rosie), called Kathryn (seeing that she IS a graduate of JWU - Rhode Island) and invited her to speak about her experiences in her 4 years at the school. All I have to say is that my girl was EXCELLENT! *grin* (that's cause I taught her everything she knows... *wink*)
Anyway, that's all I gotta say! Work calls...
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Wow... it's been a WHILE...
Well... I'll be honest, the computer I've been using at work has been giving OODLES of trouble everytime I attempt to go to my blog or to blogger.com so I've just given up with that. Thankfully, Alicia is not here yet (at work) so I can use her computer for the while.
Hmm... well the last time I blogged was Saturday afternoon I think.
A lot's happened since Saturday afternoon. For starters, I went to the Relay For Life put on by the Jamaica Cancer Society in the evening and had a good time. I limed with Lesley for most of the evening/night and then with Jason and Kathryn for the remainder. It was good to see more people there than last year... next year, we plan to have our own team.
Sunday, I went to 6pm mass and then went to see Harry Potter 3 with Tracey, Lesley, Robyn H, Martin, Kathryn, Jason, Kerri and Marlon at Island Life. I enjoyed the movie but the other 2 were better in terms of how close it was to the book. The director for this one went a little overboard. Anyhoo...
Last night was the launch of the Hilton Caribbean K.I.D.S (kindness in donation and service) Art Expo and Auction. Not too many people came as suspected but it went off well...
Anyway, Alicia is here so I gotta jet... LOL
Talk to y'all later!
Saturday, June 12, 2004
*stretches and yawns*
I am FINALLY up... what a day and what a night!
Yesterday, work was so eventful... I hope that when Monday comes things would be back to normal. (Yeah right) Anyway, I didn't leave work till after 6pm yesterday.
Since all us working people had a pretty rough day yesterday, we decided we'd go to Quad to just relax and enjoy ourselves. Kat and Alicia came for me at around midnight and we got to Quad a few minutes later. It took us a while to get in and when we finally did... man... it was SO jammed! We walked through Christopher's just to see if we knew anyone there... we just saw the owners of Hilton and a few of my parents friends. (Old crowd... yikes!) Then eventually we moved up to Oxygen where we found Tracey and her friend Alicia.
It was nice... except for the amount of people... I can't stand when Quad is crowded... ick. Anyway, apart from the girls flashing their hair in my face, I had a good time just liming with my girls. It's officially the start of summer when Kat, Alicia and I are together. LOL. Whoo hoo!
Anyway, today is the Jamaica Cancer Society's Relay for Life and Lesley will be there and I will be there. I'm not too sure if I'll be going to the CFW After Party though. I want to because Mile High is performing and I LOVE them... we'll see.
Well... that's about it for now...
Friday, June 11, 2004
T.G.I.F People!!
So... I went to the Caribbean Fashion Week Launch at Pegasus last night with Odessa and it was GREAT! (Even though I had to work.) I had to take care of Kris Kelli and Killa B since they had to perform and it was cool. Lots of models, lots of designers and lots of media. The vibe was a different but nice one. Pegasus set up the place really well (it was in the Gardens aka around the kiddie pool LOL). It started at around 8pm and finished at around 11ish. Oh yeah, Morgan's Heritage performed and they were excellent! They sound so great live!
Hmmm... what else...
That's about it for now... back to work!
Thursday, June 10, 2004
So... uhmm... yeah...
So... I was supposed to go to the Sumfest Press Launch which was being held at Morgan's Harbour. Odessa asked me to go with her and of course, I said yes.
So, I waited at work till around 6:40/6:45 pm for Odessa to come and then she came and we went to Music Plus to pick up the camera guy. While we're waiting for "Berger" (the camera guy) to come outside, Odessa gets a call from one of the people putting on the launch and the person tells her it's been postponed.
Lemme tell ya, I was SO glad we had to stop downtown to pick up Berger because Odessa would have been pissed if we had driven all the way down there because she was SUPER tired. It's a good thing her interview with Albino (thought it was Assasin) took longer than expected.
Why do I keep learning that everyday?
Anyway... I realize I haven't written anything about my progress with school in Miami in AGES! So all I have left to do basically is to get an appointment at the US Embassy to apply for my student visa and Im waiting on another letter from the school to see if I'll get further financial aid. Also, Dad called his uncle in Ohio to ask him to be the guarantor/cosignee for a loan if we should ever take out one and he said yes. *grin* So... it looks like all systems are go for St. Thomas.
My dream is about to become a reality.
Thank You God.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
So I listened to the entire Avril Lavigne cd and it was amazing! The name of her cd is "Under My Skin" and most of the songs are about heartbreak and all were written by her. The songs aren't too deep but they aren't shallow. I think she's a combination of Enya, Amy Lee and Alanis Morissette.
I give the cd 4 stars out of 5.
Anyway, back to work!
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
It rocks y'all... I just finished listening to it.
THANKS KAT! *grin*
Two of the songs (one of them's called "Nobody's Home" and I can't remember the name of the other) remind me of 2 persons that I know... anyhoo...
Oooh... I FINALLY saw Shrek 2! I went with Alicia, her boyfriend and her boyfriend's brother at Soverign. OMG y'all... that movie is excellent! I think I'm gonna add that to the list of the dvd's I wanna get.
Here's my list by the way...
1. Bend it like Beckham
2. LOTR Trilogy
3. Finding Nemo (yeah, I know I have it on tape already... but I need the dvd)
4. Shrek 1 and 2
Blog fans... committ this list to your memory okay? *grin*
Anyway, today was a great day for me... no worries at all.
That's all for now folks...
CIAO! *muah*
Greetings y'all! I am BACK AT WORK! (*yai!*)
I was missed y'all... *sniffle* but some people are scorning me (lol) but it's all good... I'm just glad to be back.
Unfortunately, I am not directly working with the Golf Tournament... I am now handling the PR aspect of it. *bleh* Not something I really wanted to do... oh well.
Anyway, gotta get back to work!
Monday, June 07, 2004
So... my scabs are all gone. *grin*
Oh... I still don't remember what it was I wanted to say on the blog today.
Anyway, I'm not going to Shrek 2 *gasp*... my friend who I have not seen in AGES is coming to see me. *yay*
Gotta run... Moms is hollerin for me... *roll eye*
So today is my FINAL day at home. (THANK GOD!) And I think I am finally going to get to see Shrek 2! LOL.
You know... I came on my blog with the intention of saying something and now I've completely forgotten! LOL. I guess Kalima was right... the pox went to my brain! LOL LOL LOL
Hmm... when I remember, I'll come back and post it...
Ciao for now!
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Heh heh heh... I knew this ALL along... LOL

You are a SUBTLE Flirt!
This is the female equivalent of "the strong and silent type."
Or, the whole "still waters run deep" thing.
And that makes you dangerous. Oh, yes…dangerous.
You lull men (and competitive women) into a false sense of security.
By appearing nonthreatening, quiet and unassuming, you can strike at the right moment, when no one's expecting it.
It's a method that’s tried and true over the ages and it works wonders for you.
So go on, with your sneaky self, Ms. Covert Ops.
What Kind of Flirt Are *You*?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Err... this is a quiz I just took... lol... some of it's true... some isn't quite so true... oh well... check it out.

Your Sex Sign is Libra!
You've got a ton of girls and guys trying to get with you!
You're pratically booked up for the next four years.
Not only are you great in bed - you're great at making people feel sexy.
No wonder you're so popular!
Libra, as you probably have noticed, you are always surrounded by scores of admiring suitors.
You are a very accomplished flirt.
Catching you is not for the faint hearted.
Competition is always fierce.
Your innate charm and incredible looks instantly attract - and keep - your lovers.
Old flames and rejected suitors always keep coming back for more.
There is a strong bisexual element in your personality.
You're more likely to be aroused by the same sex than other signs.
In threesomes, you are more likely to prefer that one partner is opposite sex and that the third is same sex.
Your lovers adore you because you are a real ego stroker.
You are eager to please and will do almost anything they ask.
You are a born diplomat, which comes in handy with all of your suitors.
You always win fights too, because your charm is irresistable!
What's Your Sex Sign??
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Saturday, June 05, 2004
So I didn't get to go see Shrek 2 ONCE again. I'm beginning to think that I am just not meant to see this movie. If only it were still showing at Soverign I would have gone and seen it by myself.
I am so bored... *bleh*
It sucks being broke... =0(
I MAY go and see Shrek 2 this evening with Odessa and her friend Yolande... that is if I don't get stuck babysitting Stephen while the rest of the family is out.
The scabs are sure taking long to fall off my back and arms... steups. I hope I NEVER suffer through this EVER again. I think I'll convince the doctor to give me a vaccine shot as a pre-caution.
Oh! Good news... Uncle Mark emailed me (my uncle in Iraq) and said that the bombing has died down a bit and things are kinda okay on that side of the world. *grin* Im happy!
Anyway, that's all for now...
Friday, June 04, 2004
I am so B-O-R-E-D...
I cannot believe that I missed Sancia's "Going Away" celebration on the 18th floor this evening. =0( Sancia who I complain about all the time, the Sancia who's always harassing me at work, the Sancia who trained me when I was interning... today was her last day at the Hilton. I think I mentioned this already... oh well. I cannot imagine going back to work on Monday and NOT seeing her there... fully knowing that someone else will be in that space. Well... not yet... but eventually...
I wanted to go and see Shrek 2 but alas... change of plans...
Oh well...
Oh, by the way, one of my doctors said I'm no longer contagious so I am free to interact with the world once more. Only... Im not going anywhere (like a party or club) with these scabs all over me.
Actually, tonight I was supposed to go to the cinema but Quad took preference (and I seriously don't mind guys... *smile*) and I wasn't going to Quad (Christopher's) looking like I fell down stairs or something...
Anyway... gone back to watching tv or something...
Ciao peeps!
I'm seriously considering going to Negril...
Really... do I want to be surrounded by my sister (if she goes) and all her little friends? Do I want to be subjected to seeing everybody AND THEIR MOTHER (literally) in every nook and cranny of Negril?
I don't think so...
I guess I have till next week to seriously consider... and this time...(if I go)... I'm really only going to one or two parties... no more than two. I'm gonna catch up on some rest and maybe take a few books down... hmmm... seems like a good idea. I'll spend time on the beach and visit the other non-party goers. LOL.
I like this idea more and more everytime I think about it... *grin*
Anyway, yesterday I spoke with my good friend Garrett (aka Genesis) and we spoke for about 7 minutes or so. She's in the UK right now having a blast. It was SO great speaking to her... we hadn't spoken in over a year. She laughed at me having chicken pox though... *pout* (Just wait till I see you again Gen! I'll have Kary on my side and we'll get ya! LOL) Anyway, it was great speaking with you chica... I miss our convos.
That's about it for now...
Thursday, June 03, 2004
I just saw Kevin Little's MILLIONTH video for "Turn Me On" on MTV! It looked good and Spragga Benz is in the last part doing his dances... lol...
The video even had girls in carnival costumes and "queen of the band" costumes. Major cool.
Of course, you know that "Turn Me On" is considered dancehall and not soca so that kinda sucks. People already think that Kevin is from Jamaica so that doesn't help. For those of you that don't know... he's Vincentian.
Anyhoo... that's all for now.
I just got an overseas call but it cut off before I could answer it... chuh... damn digicel...
Whoever you are...
(No, I am not desperate... lol...*sticks out tongue*)
Congrats to Miss Trinidad and Tobago Universe - Danielle Jones - who made it to the Top 5 in the Miss Universe Competition and came 5th overall. You did well. Even though you kinda messed up on your question... you still did well. Kudos to you.
Kudos also to Christine Straw - Miss Jamaica Universe. Congrats to making it to the top 10. I was disappointed that you did not make it to the Top 5... but oh well... as Dad says you did your best and Miss Universe is politically ridden. Especially since Jamaica is not in USA's "best books" right now.
Anyhoo... joke of the day people. My sister has said that next year she'll have enough money from modelling to buy her a car. LOL. At first it sounded hilarious... but maybe she has some sort of goal that she's aiming towards... hmm... I better stop laughing... she may just need to give her dear older sister some dinero one day.
I am still covered with scabs (ick) and hopefully by Saturday they'll be completely gone and hopefully Auntie Jacintha (my other doctor - Dr. Brandy) will say it's fine for me to go out into the world by Friday.
I really just want to tell Sancia bye and also to go and see Shrek 2. I am DYING to see that movie.
Well...that's all for now. Back to typing up Mom's BORING exams for her grade 10 students. *roll eyes*
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
*sound of calculator*
Y'all... this is ridiculous... I have NO money! So many parties... so many outfits... so little time... so little money... and after all this... I need money for Miami.
Im sure y'all are wondering WHERE ARE YOUR PRIORITIES CARY?!?!? But y'all know Im a social butterfly... and I need my fix of music and meeting new people.
There are some good parties this summer... including Smirnoff Experience, Hybrid Entertainment's BLINK, High Society's SPECIAL DELIVERY, VIP (and one for Independence) and the list goes on...
All of them are all inclusive and if I go to all the good ones... costs will come up to at least $10,000 (including Negril parties)and then clothes... if I buy something every week... that'll prolly come up to at least $3,000 - $4,000... and then for accommadation and food for Negril... that'll come up to about $6,000. So in all... I'll probably spend almost $30,000.
GOD DAMN! That's a LOAD of money... that's like $3,000TT.
I need someone to make me stay home and not feel to go anywhere. How is that possible people? TEACH ME!!!!!!
*bites nails*
My poxy spots (LOL) are mostly dried up... *grin* and thanks to this awful thing called chicken pox I've earned the following nicknames: "Poxy" and "Miss Poxy Lady"
*roll eyes* LOL
Anyway, I really REALLY hope that the doctor says I can go back to work by next week Monday and I also really hope that I can get to go on Friday evening to tell Sancia bye. Her last day at Hilton is on Friday. Why? Because she is now Sandals Royal Caribbean (Montego Bay) new Public Relations Manager. Cool huh? She'll be RAKING in the dough.
Anyway, that's all for now folks!