Thursday, August 19, 2004

Good News!!!

Hey Y'all... good news! The loan I applied for through the TERI Organization was FINALLY approved! Can you say *P-H-E-W*!?!? My Mom was so happy... just like she was yesterday when Mary got her CXC results. By the way, she got 3 ones, 4 twos and 1 three. The ones were in POB (Principles of Business), Language and I.T. (Information Technology); the twos were in Biology, Mathematics, Literature and Spanish; and the three was in Chemistry. BIG UP YUHSELF MARY!

Hmm... anything else happened today? Oh yeah... I spoke with Fiana Jenny *ahem* now Fiana Mesquita. It's been TWO years people!! It was SO great speaking to her again... she's a cool chica.

My Miami experience is proving better and better by the minute. Let's hope it lasts.

CIAO people!