Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Hot Stepper... (*lol*)

Good news people!
*sings* I'm going hoooooome for Christmas! *smile*

My mummy booked my ticket for December 12 to return on January 5/6, 2005. I'm so happy! And here's the greatest... Monsignor is paying for half of the ticket! Isn't he sweet? He heard Mom and Dad talking about the cost and how they were trying to find a cheaper fare online and he just handed them half of the fare. He's really like a grandfather... I'll have to get him something extra nice this year. Meanwhile, my uncle is still looking for cheaper fares for a ticket to go home. We'll see how it works out.

So... I finally saw the Steps Medley video... LOL... I still cannot believe I'm in the video 3 times! Twice with Snakey (Ali Coop) and once by myself! Y'all can check it out on www.realvibes.net and when you're watching look out for me in Wayne Marshall's part, Zumjay's part and in Bling Dawg's part. I'm in a black dress with my hair out in the first two parts and in the last, I'm in a skirt and red top. I'm excited! (LOL... okay, I'm exaggerating... I just think it's kinda cool... )

Right now, I'm at work and the lab is d-e-a-d. I really should be studying for my World of Religion mid-term that's tomorrow afternoon, but instead, I'm here updating my little piece of the internet. Fun!

Anyway, I really should study because I have a date at 8:30pm tonight. Whoo hoo! Outback Steakhouse HERE I COME! *grin*

Oh... Ms. Davis, thanks for your lovely, detailed response. It took me forever to read it.
(That was GROSS sarcasm by the way...)


(P.S. Dr. Hart (my Maths professor) told Roojay that I could teach the Maths 109 class next semester. Hah! I told him I would if I got his salary and he said no problem. LOL. Right. Anyway, Roojay, this one's for you... "Maths is beautiful. Don't forget to sign the doodleboard" LOL )