T.G.I.F people! Also... PAY DAY! $$Ching Ching$$
That's all I have to say right now...
Celebrity Life... in Miami baby! (College Style)
Friday, April 30, 2004
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Yes y'all... I am STILL at the Hilton... slaving over files and papers and whatnot. It's 7:40pm and I am currently listening to "Nasty" - a soca song from last year sang by Flo.
I wanna go home! *sniffle*
Actually, I just wanted to go home and rip open my package from St. Thomas University. But noooooooo... would FedEX give me that opportunity? Hell frigging no. They had to misroute MY package and whatever nonsense... so now they're delivering it tomorrow morning. Bunch of losers. Steups.
I am SO frigging glad tomorrow's my last day in this office. I don't like it in here. My boss is cool when he's ready... but man... it's not my scene at all. I don't know how Ronz deals with it... but she has the strength to do anything... anything she puts her mind to. I swear sometimes I think she's Wonder Woman.
*oooh! Passion! "c'mon and give it to me baby... when yuh wuk yuh waist... yuh raise my passion..."*
Sorry... got a bit carried away there... I'm listening to one of my 5 (sorry... THREE... now that my dotish sister lost two... including the one with It's Carnival *weep*) soca cd's that were fedEXed to me by Leigh and Alicia last year. They were SUPPOSED to send me some with this years music but they stickin' BAD! Hmmph! (Leigh... doh lemme call allyuh eh... lol)
Anyway... let me come off this thing yes because I have ENDLESS things to finish before Ronaine comes back. Things need to be in perfect place.
Later dudes!
Hmm... I have not posted in here since Tuesday afternoon.
Because I don't really have much to say. I still don't.
When I do have something... I'll come back...
Till then...
Cheers mates!
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
So I just got back from the most amazing Secretaries Day luncheon I've ever been to (I've only been to 1... lol ) and boy am I suffering from "ah piece ah et'nic fatigue"!
All the HOD's and their administrative assistants (including myself and the GM) all went to Norma's on the Terrace at Devon House for our "thank you lunch".
Man! The food was at it's BEST! I've been there once before and now I am hooked! I had an island style garden salad topped of with feta to start off with, followed by pumpkin bisque.
There were three main courses to choose from:
1. Filet of fish steamed on local spinach, cooked Jamaican style
2. Cornfed Chicken - roasted organic chickend encrusted in herbs served on plantain mash
3. Jerked smoked double pork chop marinated in ginger, red stripe beer & teriyaki, grilled & glazed with guava preserve
All the above served with creamed potatoes and broccoli and squash.
Guess which one I chose? NUMERO TRES of course! (Speaking of Spanish, Mary had her orals today... wonder how she fared?) The porkchops were mmm mmm good!
Dessert was rum cake served with ice-cream. Thank goodness I remembered it was rum cake or else I would have been in a predicament I think.
The atmosphere was great... it was cool, cool company, nice drinks, nice presentation... Norma's on the Terrace - five (*****) stars from me.
When we were doing toasting and stuff, Mr. Rosheuvel told everyone about me getting into St. Thomas University and my mini schol. so they all toasted me. I was so embarassed... LOL.
Also, towards the end of the luncheon, he made me speak about my "Hilton experience" because, as he put it, "You're the youngest darling... sock it to 'em." LOL
All in all... it was great.
Dying to sleep now... FIVE O CLOCK! HURRY AND COME!!
Ciao peeps! *muah*
Yesterday wasn't such a bad day after all... *grin*
I got 2 surprises in one day to start off with...
I got an unexpected overseas call (tee hee) and a surprise visit from Mr. Jason Dear who has been back in Jamaica since Sunday morning. Anyway, I cussed him for waiting so long to come check me... lol
He'll be here ALLLLL summer and if I go to Miami come August/September I'll see more of him because he's going to Miami too. *grin*
Anyway, we decided to go and see Secret Window at Island Life last night. Myself, Tracey, Lisa and Jason. That movie was a load of shit... Tracey kept saying she's gonna sue Johnny Depp for an hour and a half of her life wasted... LOL. That was a tv movie...
Well, today we're (the administrative assistants) being taken out to lunch by our bosses in honour of Secretaries Day. We're going to Norma's at Devon House. (yay! free food!! *grin*)
That's about it for now... Ciao people!
Monday, April 26, 2004
As the weeks go by I despise Monday mornings more and more... I hate getting up early to come to work... *ick* Especially on a beautiful Monday morning such as today.
Anyhoo... last night I went to a comedy show at Hilton (yes, I was here last night... *double ick*) which featured Owen "Blacka" Ellis, Inspector Madden, etc, etc. First of all, I was not impressed that they started the show almost an HOUR late. Usually, I am patient... but last night, I was HUNGRY no ass! It was supposed to start at 7:30pm (by the way, Kat and I left mass early to get good parking... *blush*) and it started at 8:20pm.
Now, the show was hilarious and great and all... but daaaang! To save time, they cut OUT intermission and the damn thing still ended at minutes to midnight!!!
So guess what time I ate my Sunday dinner??? 12:45 AM this morning! Steups.
Anyway, that's about it for now... I have REAL work to catch up on since I missed Friday.
Talk to y'all later!
Sunday, April 25, 2004
As I said earlier this morning, I'd continue my previous post.
SATURDAY cont'd.
After Tracey and Kathryn got their tattoos (Trace got hers spontaneously btw *grin*) we went by Tracey to lime a little bit and to tend their tattoos. LOL I'm getting mine soon. *grin* Can't wait! Only reason why I didn't get mine done on Saturday was because I had no money. Anyway, we all decided we wanted to either see Taking Lives or rent some more movies and go up to Kat's to watch them. We decided to go see Taking Lives.
However, we were hungry so we decided to go to Pizza Hut first. We left there at around 8:15/8:20 and got to Soverign. By the time we got there the movie had started already. We hadn't missed much thank God. It was a good movie. Next on the agenda: Secret Window! Whooo hooo!
After the movie, we went back by Tracey and watched Saturday Night Live and then we left there at around midnight. That was a really long ass day. Going non stop for about 13 hours. Waaays. Not having money sucked though... but thanks to Kat *grin* I survived. (Thanks KitKat :op)
Anyhoo... Kat and I are going to a comedy show tonight at the Hilton. We each got a ticket from Nazene at work. I guess we're a sponsor or something. It should be good. Too bad the complimentary drink is wine. (*bleh*)
Well, that's about all for now.
Wow... it's Saturday already and so many things have happened to me...
Where do I begin? Let's start with Thursday night...
So Thursday night Kathryn, Lisa, Nikky Cuffe and I went to Village to lime. It was cool. I saw Kimberly Coke, Delano, Smokes and some other people. We got there at around 11:30 and left at around 2am. While I was there I had this really cool drink called "Liquid Chocolate". Kat's bartender made it for me. :o) Nice lil lime... not sure if I'd go back to Village on a Thursday night though.
Dad decided to be mean and wake me up at 5:45... *bleh* So when I got up my stomach was feeling kinda woozy so I was wondering why... Anyway, started saying morning prayers and my stomach was bubbling merrily so I'm like shit... I need to throw up. Sooo I go and throw up. Felt a little better.
On my way to work, my tum-tum starts rolling and groaning and Im like fuck... I need to get to a bathroom now. As soon as I got to Hilton I rushed to the bathroom and threw up again. Now at this point I couldn't understand what was happening... so I called Kathryn and asked her what the Liquid Chocolate has in it and she's like rum... so Im like oh fuck... then went and threw up again.
So at this point I go down to the nurse and I get peptobismal... I threw that up; I took a gravol tablet... I lay down... I threw that up; I got coconut water... I SAT up this time... I threw that up. The Nurse tells me I need to go to the hospital (Kat's with me all this time) so I go to Medical Associates.
I see the doctor. It's the same fucking doctor from last time. I was SO embarassed! However, I explained to her what happened and that I didn't know it had rum and blah blah. Anyway, I had to go on i.v (drip) AGAIN and get gravol but via the drip... (by the way, that felt SO weird!)
After that Kat called Stephen and he took me up to Kathryn's house where I knocked out for a couple hours.
Thank God Kat was there...
My parents don't know by the way. I was too embarassed to tell them. Still am.
Anyway... Kat eventually came home with movies and with Tracey and Lisa. We put the beef to cook, dyed Kathryn's hair and limed in the kitchen. (Yes... we dyed Kat's hair red! It looks so great!) Then we ate and we watched Kill Bill, Wrong Turn and Honey (sort of). Tracey and Lisa left at around 4ish this morning.
Got up at 10:45am. Showered. Got ready to go on the road.
We picked up Lisa, went to Manor Park to drop off the dvds then went window shopping in Lee's. Then we met Tracey at Wendy's in Liguanea, ate lunch and flirted with 6 year olds. (Nicholas and Diego to be exact... so cute! LOL) Afterwards, we went to Salon Innovative where Kathryn and Tracey got TATTOOS!!!!!!!!!! They look so fucking good! Kathryn got paw prints on her upper back and Tracey got several hearts going up her lower back.
Im a bit tired now so I'll continue this tomorrow...
Later y'all!
(PS. Hi Traci! Glad you got home safely. Will miss you TONS. *pout* *muah*)
Thursday, April 22, 2004
It's rainy today. *bleh*
I have a question for you all. Do you think it's right for an adult/relative (an uncle in this case) to completely lock off their niece just because of a silly argument? And when I say lock off I mean when their cell is ringing and they see their niece calling and they completely ignore and disregard the call. That is the highest level of assness and immaturity I have ever heard of in all my life and I am totally disgusted.
Anyway... that man will get what's coming to him.
That's all for now.
PS. Ayanna... where are you? I wanna find out how you're doing... Im worried.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Well today is Secretaries Day so happy sec day to all out there!
I got a little token today... *grin* I got a corsage and a gift certificate from Jencare Skin Farm to do a body massage and pedicure. How cool is that? I am in dire need of one. I think I'll save it for my birthday or anytime after the golf tournament.
Anyway, today was a good day. Let's hope it lasts...
(PS. Big up Racie Ray... yuh large. *wink*)
So my day did not end to badly after all.
I spoke to my mother when I calmed down and buffed her for not telling me congrats... and she was so apologetic and stuff and told me how she was just worried about finding money for 4 years now and she said she knows how badly I want to go. She also told me not to worry, just to pray about it and that all we need to find is tuition for year 1.
As for Dad... well... he hasn't said anything yet.
*cross fingers*
Guys... wish me luck.
By the way, Kathryn and I are going to horse racing on Saturday! How cool is that? We get to dress up and make bets! Whoo hoo! (Maybe I'll get lucky and make some moolah on the tracks... *wink*)
That's all for now...
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Today was the worst day ever of my days in this office. I made so many dumb mistakes. I feel like the world's biggest jackass. At least my boss did not shout at me, but still, I felt so small. I was afraid to look him in the eye all day.
The only good news that I got today was marred by my mother's lack of support and negativity. I'll share it with you all nonetheless... I got into the school of my choice. St. Thomas University. But NOT as a transfer student. Why? Would you believe the credits I have are not applicable for use in any US college apparently. So basically, if I wanted any kind of recognition for my hard work, I'd have to be stuck in the Caribbean. So after all that money spent on evaluating my transcripts and all the calls to Trinidad... I end up having to start afresh and not getting the transfer grant of $7000 but I do get $3000 off anyway. I was happy that my admissions officer called me and let me know the deal and then I called my mother to hear her say congrats or something.
All she said was you may have to stay here and go to UWI and then after you can go away. Stay here? I do not want to stay here. It means living in their house MINUS income, meaning Id go back to the life I had before I left for Trinidad. She didn't even say, we'll try something. Nothing. So now I feel like I have no support (damn... the tears wont stop coming) and basically my mantra is dead to me. You know what I always say right? "Where there's a will, there's a way." Well now, it's like if the will had no money then you dont have a way. As for my Dad? Heh. He'll be like "We have no money... blah blah blah... "
Maybe I should sell drugs... or maybe I should sell myself. What y'all think?
I am trying not to be selfish and spoilt. But damn... after all the things I went through... it's hard not to react this way.
I just need to clear my head and come to some sort of conclusion. All I know is that I do not want to go to UWI in Jamaica and I do NOT want to be in my parent's house.
I just want to thank Renz, Traci, Roj, Tish, syn and Lesley for trying to comfort me. Roj, thanks a lot for sharing your love with me... I'm waiting anxiously for my package. I really appreciate it.
Now, I just need a spliff or something...
Monday, April 19, 2004
Today has been a rather hectic day. I cannot wait for Friday. Hell... I cannot wait for Friday, April 30, 2004. My LAST day in the Executive Office! ALLELUIA! I will be back in Public Relations as of May 3... *grin*
Anyway, right now Im in a wreck because I have not heard from St. Thomas University OR Florida International University. :o(
I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanna go to Miami.
Let's see what happens.
I am finally home people! *grin* I got home at around 11:15 (1/2 hour ago).
So... I went to mass this morning... (aren't y'all proud? yes, I ACTUALLY got up on a Sunday morning! LOL) and got home after 11. Organized a mini-lime to go and watch the Jamaica Carnival and Bachanaal Jamaica Street Parades. Of course the lime included: myself, Kathryn, Tracey, Lesley and Lisa. We eventually met up with Nikki Cuffe.
Y'all... I SHOULD HAVE JUMPED!!! :o(
(No... we don't say "play mas"... we say "jump")
I should have jumped with Bachanaal Jamaica. ALL my friends and my parent's friends were in costume or in the band... Machel was on a truck... Synergy TV was there... oh gosh... it was just great! (btw, Tracey got interviewed AGAIN by Peter C. lol and I think we'll be on again... )
Anyway... at first, we watched a little bit of Jamaica Carnival's street parade but then we wised up and went to watch Bachanaal. Then we followed them... *grin*
Eventually... we got hungry and thirsty so we went to Island Grill and got some lunch. Then we went out separate ways... Kat, Lise and Nikki went one way and Trace, Les and I went another.
We ended up going to Tracey's office, then to her apartment where we limed for a bit... then we went to Guilt Trip for dessert (yum!) and ate it at my house. Then we went to Lesley's, picked up a blow dryer and curling irons and went back to Trace's to play hairdresser. LOL We also watched Soul Food. (yay!)
And now... Im home... talking to Traci and Llea and being informed about plans for Tobago in late July, early August. Hmmm... Kat... looks like I might be missing Independence if this comes through... LOL *muah* Still wuv me rite? *grin*
I think that's about it...
Wait wait wait! I forgot THE most important thing! (I cant believe I didn't remember to post this in this morning's post!!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIOLA BABY!!! I tried calling but I couldn't get through at ALL. I hope you saw the message on yahoo... and I also hope you had a GREAT birthday and I wish you all the best ALWAYS. *muah* Much love to you Ki.
Alright... now I am satisfied and I can leave! lol
Sunday, April 18, 2004
So. I got home at 8am this morning from Jouvert. I went to sleep at 10:30am this morning. I woke up at different intervals... but officially woke up at around 4:30pm.
Jouvert was excellent! I had a ball for most of the night. I won't bother to get into the nitty gritty details of the night/morning but I will say that after this weekend, Im chilling at home for a LONG while.
Machel and Xtatik... one word: MADNESS! They were excellent! Then when Junko came on the stage... I swear... my mouth was open the WHOLE time! I wasn't mesmerized like I am with Destra though... LOL
Anyway, I limed with Stephen Silvera, Tracey, Akilah and Lisa for most of the night into morning... also with Kathryn, Sean Dacosta, Rene (she left early), Joseph, Mark, Gracia and Alexis Ming for a little while. It was good to see Alexis... haven't seen her in AGES.
When we got on the road I had a blast except for when a nasty man tried to pickpocket me (and my EMPTY pockets *grin*) and Im like "brodda, back off nuh, mi nuh 'ave nuh money". I mean, I could feel his hands digging into my pockets... steups. Boldface ass.
Anyway, eventually the Jokers Wild truck began to bore us (Akilah, Stephen, Tracey and I... Lisa had left) and we started looking for the Bachanaal truck. We limed around Machel and Xtatik a bit and I bounced up some people I hadn't seen in ages... like Paula (Danette's sister).
Well... hours later we found the Bachanaal truck minus Tracey. However, we found another person to replace Tracey... none other than Peter "Pedro" Silvera whose word for the morning was "buddy" and whose line to the ladies was "Sexy thing come here nah". LOL Hear nah... why all Trini men must be like that when they're drunk??? LOL Peter was TOO funny...
Oh... did I mention all this time I was covered head to toe with gold and purple paint? LOL And when we did meet up with Bachanaal... some idiot gave Stephen a bucket FILLED with pink paint... and of course, the results were Akilah and I with pink paint on our necks and pink paint on MY back and on MY boobs. Steups. I kicked him yes!
Anyhoo... to cut a long story short... I got home at 8 as I mentioned previously.
After I got home I took a LONG ass shower and was interrupted by a phonecall from Mr. Willie. Only to hear that Kathryn (who had left my house minutes before) was in an accident. Im just glad to know that she's fine.
After I spoke to Kathryn and Lisa, I decided to go and get some breakfast, so Rene and I (yes, Renz got home a little after me... she stayed at my house) went to Burger King for b/fast. She dropped me off and I literally DOVE into bed because I was super exhausted.
Woke up at 4:30, went on the road again and chilled till around 6pm.
At around 8:30/9pm Tracey came by and we went to get gas and some snacks so that we could have something to munch on while we watched 'The Missing' (which was a good movie by the way). Lesley and Martin stopped by on their way home from Mandeville and they chilled for a bit.
And now, Im here with Ludacris' new video playing on MTV in the background... while Im chatting with Jhanine and Traci.
I should be in bed.
I've got a long day later...
Friday, April 16, 2004
JOUVERT TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!
*sings* It's cah-nah-val!!! Machel IYMC tonight!!! Destra in dey muddac*nt tonight!!! Rene, Tracey, Kathryn and I are rolling like CELEBS tonight!!! We in dey muddac*nt tonight!!!
(*blush* - No, I did not drink any alcohol today... I am just REALLY excited!)
I did so many things on the road today so I am a bit exhausted... I went to the bank (got paid *grin*), went to Western Union, went back to the bank, went to Jamrock to buy the Jouvert tickets and then went to Wendy's for lunch with Kathryn. I spent approximately 1.5 hours on the road.
(Y'all I have goosebumps now... they talking about Jouvert on the radio... LOL )
Anyway, lemme go and finish my work oui.
Would you believe that I left my office keys in the office???
Aren't I SMART?!?!? LOL
Anyway, luckily there's a spare in Mr. Rosheuvel's office... *phew*
Can't chat long today! Got lots to do... will come back later...
Thursday, April 15, 2004
So I just got home from Lesley's. Twas fun. *smile* It's always fun going by Lesley. And guess what y'all? She COOKED dinner today! And guess again? It was EXCELLENT! She cooked chicken, corn pie and pasta salad. Mmm Mmm Mmm!!! Finger licking good. *wink* Thanx Les! *grin*
We've also decided that we're going to JOKERS WILD JOUVERT! Yay! And of course we're going VIP baby! *grin* Machel Montano here I come!!! *grin*
*sings* Right now we get mad! Everybody head gone!
Anyhoo... I'll be purchasing tickets tomorrow afternoon. Hope there'll be tix left...
Oh! For those of you that are curious about my "Digicel gift package" it was a cap, rag, key-chain and plastic water bottle... L-A-M-E!!! Steups... anyway, I'll wear the cap to Jouvert so people like STEPHEN WILLIE don't get any ideas. Hmmph! (LOL)
Later folks!
How could I forget to post about One Love?
*slaps head*
Anyway, so Tuesday night, Kathryn and I decided we'd go and see One Love - the new Jamaican movie starring Kymani Marley and Cherine Anderson (of Dancehall Queen fame). A Jamaican love story between a rastaman (Kymani Marley) and a christian girl (Cherine Anderson).
One word describes it all: EXCELLENT! I've never experienced a Jamaican movie without cussing and bloodshed. It was so sweet and it showcased a peaceful, serene and beautiful Jamaica. A must see for all Jamaican, wanna be Jamaicans and foreigners.
I give it 5 stars. (*****)
Tonight is Appleton V/X Living Legends on the lawns of King House. Calypso Rose, Sparrow and David Rudder are part of the line up. I think I really want to go. And if I do end up getting tickets from Uncle Brian, Id want to go with my mother. Hmmm... I really love David and Calypso Rose... I mean, their music gives me goosebumps.
Anyway... Jouvert... I think I'm really leaning towards Jokers Wild VIP... because you get drinks, you get food, you get BACKSTAGE access and you get gold body paint. *grin* Hmm... that equals closeness to Machel... (why it couldnt be Destra as well???) Right now, I'm probably 70% Jokers and 30% Bachanaal. I'll have till this evening to decide. Wish me luck!
I have REAL stuff to do in the office today and I've been procrastinating. I'm just not in the mood to do anything. I think I'll be back to normal as of next week Monday. LOL
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention... I won a prize on Fame FM yesterday! *grin* Thanks to Tracey... heh heh heh. The question was what year did Machel win Road March King or something like that. The answer was 1997 with Big Truck. I won a Digicel gift basket. Let's hope a phone is in there. Im going to pick it up sometime today.
Well... that's all for now folks!
*sings* Lift up yuh leg an trample...
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Oooh Oooh Oooh! How could I forget????
Keep up the good work guys!
Much love... *wink*
Special Announcement:
Kathryn is the Hilton Kingston's Team Member of the Month for January!! CONGRATULATIONS CHICA!!
(You takin' me movies right? *grin*)
Oh... Mary (my lil sis) will be in the Bahamas from tomorrow night till next week Monday representing Jamaica in Carifta Water Polo! Go Mary!
Speaking of Bahamas... Danette... I'm missing you oodles and oodles. *pout* You would have had a BLAST at beach jouvert... and at Chukka Cove. By the way?!?! I forgot to tell you earlier on MSN... I saw a certain boy... heh heh heh heh... his name begins with C. You do the rest.
Anyway, to Roj and Tish... my 2 girls... I love you all. Things will be ok. I promise. If things can happen for me... then anything can happen for you guys. *muah*
That's about it for now...
PS. go Renz! *grin*
Okay... here are the details you've been waiting on...
I'll start with Beach Jouvert :
Kathryn, Lesley, Tracey and I left our hotel (Pineapple Hotel) at around 3pm to begin our trip to James Bond Beach, Oracabessa - the venue for Smirnoff Ice Beach Jouvert. We got there at around the same time as Stephen, Andrew and Tyrone. Anyway, they all went inside while I waited for a good bit for Rene to arrive.
When she finally did, we went inside and were given little smirnoff ice name tags at the gate. Mine was 'Hen' and Ren's was 'Jen'. LOL Quite cute.
Anyway... from we got inside I was in a spectacular mood. Why? Rupee was going to be there. Machel was going to be there. DESTRA was going to be there. What else does one need?
Saw quite a few people... I saw the Watever.com boys, Nadja, Kimberly Foote, the twins (Andrene and Andrenette), Alicia, Sheldon and his fiancee, Auntie Delrose, Uncle Brian *ahem* BRIAN (LOL), Avalon, Lezley, Tanicia, Sarah Silvera, Annabelle, Delano, Jazzy T, Smoke, Mr. & Mrs. Wong (Amanda's parents), Brett, Auntie Lystra and a few others.
The performances were excellent. ESPECIALLY Atlantik and Destra. Wow. I was mesmerized by Destra's performance. She has a lot of energy. Waaaays. And of course, Mr. Montano was excellent. As per usual.
By the way, Trini peeps, look out for us on Synergy TV ok? LOL I didn't realize Peter C. Lewis was a VJ for Synergy. He interviewed Tracey so look out for her as well.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, Beach Jouvert 2004 - well worth the $2000 ($200TT) and definitely well worth the paint I was covered from head to toe in (thanks to Mr. Stephen Willie - just for that, I think I'll keep your chain longer *evil laugh*)
Kathryn... no more li... *ahem*licking... LOL *sticks out tongue*
I don't think I'll write about Margaritaville. Nothing exciting to talk about.
Oh! For Chukka Cove... Uncle Brian (I mean Brian!) got us in for FREE and we got FREE drinks and FREE food! *grin* Did I mention how cool he is? If I didnt, Uncle Brian is SUPER COOL! *grin*
Anyhoo... tonight is Pan Night on Old Hope Road. Im feeling to go. I also want to go and see One Love. Sigh.
This weekend is regular jouvert (YAY) and I've yet to decide which one Im going to. I don't really want to go to Jokers Wild because of the whole fence situation last year... BUT Machel and Xtatik will be performing while at Bachanaal it'll be Imij & Co. and Atlantik with Destra. I haven't seen Xtatik as yet... I've seen everyone else.
Anyway... we'll see how it goes...
That's about it for now...
Monday, April 12, 2004
Well... I am back from Ocho Rios and boy... am I BURNT!
It was a great weekend. Just what I needed.
Escape from Hilton. My house. Triniscene.
We (Kathryn, Lesley and Tracey) went to Margaritaville on Friday night, went to Beach Jouvert on Saturday night and Chukka Cove and Margaritaville last night.
Im too burnt to go into the nitty gritty details so I'll do that some other time and right now, Im talking to Traci and Jonathan. That's right... I'm talking to my BOY! I haven't spoken to him in AGES!!! I miss him loads... *sniff sniff*
Anyway, CONGRATS to Mr. Brian C. Lara (Cousin B) for doing what no one else in cricket has... RESPEC!
Talk to y'all later...
Thursday, April 08, 2004
So I am a member of Triniscene Forums. And for the FIRST time in my almost 2 years as a part of the forums I felt like I was personally attacked and I was a little embarassed and taken aback by the comments and a topic made and posted in the particular rooms.
Anyway, that's over and done with. I should know better. And the particular person I had 'beef' with I dealed with that case.
Moving on...
Today was a rather hectic day... and it won't be over for a while...
I had three million and one things to do today plus I had to go to the bank and FedEx. It was the WORST in FedEx jedd. Thank God I saw Brenton and he helped me out and kept me company. Oooh! I also saw one of my old crush's there... Shane... *sigh* still good looking. *grin*
Anyway... the day is slowing down now thank GOD and I'll be home shortly. Then I'm off to Holy Thursday mass. Then I have to go home, take a LONG shower (shave), pack and then go to bed.
Ocho Rios tomorrow! WHOO HOO! *does happy wine*
Celebrate! Im the queen! *grin*
Ciao peeps!
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
I made a big mistake today.
I sent out a forward that offended one of my friends. She thinks it was intentional, but it was not. I really and truly did not remember and at the time I was clicking on email addresses randomly. I am terribly sorry. Please, please, PLEASE forgive me.
In looking at all the people I sent it too, I also sent it to another friend that might be offended. Im really sorry about that... I don't really think about that topic too often. And when I do... you know my views on it. It was a huge mistake.
Once again, I apologize profusely.
In other news:
I am currently speaking to my cousin Lynmerie who I haven't spoken to in AGES! Im also speaking to her sister Carla. (Hi Guys! *grin*) Lynnie's in New York and Carla's in London. (Why am I stuck in Jamaica??? sigh)
And Ochi plans are going SMOOTHLY... Whoo hoo! *grin*
Anyway, Im still waiting to hear from St. Thomas and FIU... this is taking SUPER long. Sigh.
Anyway, that's about it for now...
So... my mother wants me to apply to Chatham College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Do I want to go there?
Why not?
I'll tell you.
1. It's in Pittsburgh. Why the hell would I want to go there? In the cold... steups
2. It's an ALL GIRLS college. I went to TWO all girls school for 7 years...
3. It's way too far from Miami... and Jamaica... and Trinidad...
But Mom's all for the fact that they give away plenty money... I dont care. I know Im being selfish... but geez... I don't wanna go.
We'll see what happens.
In the mean time... TWO days till Ochi! *grin* THREE days till Destra!!! *grin grin*
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Hi Y'all...
I have been super busy today... so I haven't had time to blog...
All I can say is that I CANNOT wait till Friday. FREEDOM till next week Tuesday!!!
Blog ya later! *wink*
Monday, April 05, 2004
I just did a test... I saw it on Ayanna's blog so I thought I'd do it...
Here are the results:
![]() I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt. What Flavour Are You? |
Sunday, April 04, 2004
So I just came back from mass. Well not just... about an hour or more ago.
And Im not really feeling to write so...
So I just took this test... It's called the colour test.
(Click here if you're interested in taking it...)
Here are the results:
Color Personality Test Report
For: Carole-Anne
Gender: female
Test Mode: -two_run-
Report Date: Sunday, April 04, 2004 10:27:16 AM
Choosed Color Sequence:
1. Orange-Red 2. Bright Yellow 3. Violet 4. Black 5. Dark Blue 6. Gray 7. Blue-Green 8. Brown
1. Orange-Red 2. Bright Yellow 3. Violet 4. Dark Blue 5. Black 6. Blue-Green 7. Gray 8. Brown
Personality Report:
Seeks success, stimulation and a life full of experience. Wants to develop freely and to shake off the shackles of self-doubt, to win and to live intensely. Likes contacts with others and is enthusiastic by nature. Receptive to anything new, modern or intriguing; has many interests and wants to expand her fields of activity. Optimistic about the future.
Seeks to express the need for identification in a sensitive and intimate atmosphere where esthetic or emotional delicacy can be protected and nurtured.
Emotionally inhibited. Feels forced to compromise, making it difficult for her to form a stable emotional attachment.
An unadmitted lack of confidence makes her careful to avoid open conflict and feels she must make the best of thins as they are.
Feels that things stand in her way, that circumstances are forcing her to compromise and forgo some pleasures for the time being.
Stress arising from suppression of physical or sexual desires and insufficient consideration for bodily needs. Has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and to stand out from common herd. This desire for pre-eminence isolates her and inhibits her readiness to give herself freely. While she wants to surrender and let herself go, she regards this as a weakness which must be resisted. This self-restraint, she feels, will lift her above the rank and file and ensure recognition as a unique and distinctive personality. Demands esteem from others.
Takes a delight in action and wants to be respected and esteemed for her personal accomplishments.
Feels insufficiently valued in her existing situation, and is seeking different conditions in which she will have greater opportunity of demonstrating her worth.
Color Test MX
Copyright 2003 vivalite
Core Version: 1.2 BETA (Build 12022003)
Thanks Dr. Max Lüscher and his fellow's excelence theory.
Please keep this programe for NO PROFIT use only!
I went shopping yesterday... *grin*
I wish I had more money... I would have done some SERIOUS spending in Xtras yesterday... whoo!
Kat and I went to the plazas in Half Way Tree... *grin* I spent most of my money in the Xtras Accessory store and then I spent the rest in Xtras Clothing, Record Plaza and Spring Summer Collection.
Anyway, I got home a little after 5pm and started getting ready for the "Carnival Dinner Cruise" - the water polo team's fundraising event.
Tracey and Kat met up at my house and then we all drove behind Mummy.
We got down to Port Royal Street (where the "Caribbean Queen" was docked) at around 7pm. We milled around on the dock for about 1/2 hour until they started blowing the ship's horn.
Basically, we cruised around the entire harbour... from about 8/8:30 until midnight. Coppershot played and kinda sucked. Oh well... the food was good and the company was nice.
By the way... note that I said "CARNIVAL Dinner Cruise". WHAT Carnival??? Steups. All that stupid boy had was Bajan Soca. Plenty Rupee and Square One. Bleh.
Thank GOD Kathryn and I decided to go to Village after (Tracey didn't come because she had to work)... we left my house at around 12:45/1 am and went.
At first it was kinda empty and then surprise surprise... we saw Nadja, Gary and Warren. *grin* I hadn't seen them since Danette's going away dinner. It was great to see them... especially when I had been thinking about Nadja...
Anyway... we had fun but we were tired so we left around 2:30/3.
All in all it was a pretty decent night.
And now Im here, with a runny nose instead of being at church with the fam... sigh. I just could not budge this morning... steups.
Oh... the best part... there's a sinkful of dishes with my name on it. *shudders*
That's about it for now...
Saturday, April 03, 2004
I left work at around 6:45pm and Asha and Kalima took me to Lesley's house. I helped her find an outfit and stuff... and I got a patty from her mommy. *grin* Her mommy loves me! *grin*
Anyway... I left Lesley's house at around after 7.
Since quite a few of us were going to Osmosis... I decided we should all meet at my house and then drive up to Beverly Hills together. So at around 11:45pm Tracey, Kathryn, Lesley, Lisa and I met up and drove up to the hill...
As we walked in the party they were playing "I'll Fly With You" by Gigi D'Agostino. My first thought? This party will be great! We got whistles and flags created by Absolut and we were told it's for the soca later. (WHAT SOCA?!?!? STEUPS!)
Anyway... I ended up having ONLY 2 Red Stripe lights and then I ate some chicken and big ass roll. That's ALL I had for the night eh.
Let me summarize the rest of the night (since Im running late)... Osmosis turned out to be kinda boring for me... the lighting was WHACK!!... I swear... they were out to fucking blind us. Steups.
Plus factor for last night... the crowd. I saw Annabelle, Sean Dacossta, Andrew, the Watever.com boys, Kimberly C., Kalima, Tanya, Lorie, Marsha, Andrenette, Squeaky, Delano, Jazzy T, Wayne, Khan, Brian (Stalker!), Adrian (the pilot Nikisha love off), Chris Lawe, Carlos, Billy and some other people. Cant remember the rest right now...
Anyway, I got home at around 4:30am.
Im off to go shopping... gotta go bathe and stuff...
PS. If my mood seems off anytime after now... FYI: I am PMSing.
Friday, April 02, 2004
So I am back at work... went to the bank and all...
Im excited and I don't know why... maybe it's because I've been having a good day. I had my exam at UWI which Im sure I failed... but on the other hand I got to spend time with my bestest friend Renzipoo and I got to have lunch with her... *tee hee*
On the downside... I haven't gotten Traci's gift yet... or my Mom's. SHIT! My Mom!
I've gotta go call Jencare Skin Farm. Cripes!!!
Likkle more!
*ahem* I have an announcement to make...
All my love, best wishes and blessings to you on your special day. Hope you get all that you want and more this year... *wink* I love you babe. *muah*
Anyway... I am at home right now. I'll be here till around 9:30. Then Im off to UWI to go do my entrance to Mass Comm. exam. Which I am SO not prepared for but oh well... the only way you can truly prepare for it is if you STUDY your daily newspapers and watch the local news every day. That is something I DEFINITELY don't do. Anyhoo... wish me luck!!!
Will update y'all when I get to work this afternoon...
Thursday, April 01, 2004
So... I went to the football match with Stephen, Andre, Taffy and some other dudes. I was the only girl. *grin* So I got protected. Twas good. Haven't been out with a whole bunch of guys in AGES...
Anyhoo... we DREW 2 all with Honduras. Steups. And we were doing so well in the first half... but as one man put it we kept on "fucking roun wid di bombomclaat ball". Yah... trust me, after a football match you'd SWEAR I was a sailor the way I curse after. LOL Ask Traci, when we spoke last night Im sure I used 'fuck' in every other sentence.
Well... today is April Fool's and would you believe I have ZERO tricks uo my sleeve? Weird huh?
Anyway... that's all for now...